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RE: Preamp boards from Hong Kong??????

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:04 pm
by bwentler
I to would like to know if:

1) anyone has purchase/build any of thier pre-amp

2) What they think of them

3) Some of them have "moddified" on them, what has been moddified?

Bruce J. Wentler

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:10 pm
by mesherm
I bought a PCB from eAudioguy from Hong Kong that was a copy of a Mcintosh C22 line stage. The schematic is almost identical except for a few resistor changes to run on +250v. It took a month to arrive from Hong Kong and I was starting to worry but when it arrived and I saw the quality of the PCB I was a happy man. The PCB was VERY high quality.
I am in the process of collecting parts for it now. I decided to try the switching power supply offered by Lighthouse Electric for the same project.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:15 pm
by Shannon Parks
I have a sampling of these boards. Assume I have a bias:

- The worst thing about them is the lack of a parts list. A parts list referenced to Digikey or Mouser would be very handy and save a lot of time (yes, I realize these are meant for the HK market). The photocopied schematic isn't that big of a help.

- Some of the rectifiers are oddballs (read: I don't have any).

- Some of my boards didn't have socket holes that support the standard pcb socket pins - I don't understand why.

- The cloned brand names don't do anything for me. Jadis? I realize I am not cool for being hip to high-end stereo gear. It may be the cat's pajamas, but high price has never automatically meant high value or best sound for me. I just have no personal experience with any of them. Of course, some would question why one would want to clone Dyna and Eico gear - the Chevy pickups of the hifi world. ::wink:

No instructions, of course, either. For a lot of people, these may be minor nit picks. But if you <do> build one & compile together a parts list with easy to order part numbers, order a bunch of boards and sell this 'improved' version yourself! A little work could polish these units up for the North American market. I'll even donate some webspace for your venture, including file storage and forum.


PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:18 pm
by mesherm
Shannon is right. The PCB had no instructions or parts list. Just a copy of a schematic folded over the board. I did a little research on my own on the original C22 for guidance. It was more of a challenge though so maybe the rewards will be greater.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 10:47 pm
by Guest
Has anyone had to pay any duty on them at all? A froend and I ordered a half dozen boards totaling about 140.00 including the shipping.... I'm building both the balanced line stage and the Marantz line stage. The balanced ls will get the all tube regulated supply. My friend also ordered the MC/MM phono stage which it turns out is a grounded grid type preamp.

The only real differences I've noticed is that the tone control stages are deleted from those designs that had them. Also, Its not very difficult to assemble a pcb from a provided schematic unless you're not used to reading schematics.... These are not kits with step by step instructions...
Odd tubes? I don't think so... they are all readily available from a large number of U.S. distributers. 12B4 is about the oddest(if you want to classify it as that)tube I see in their stuff... otherwise its all pretty run of the mill.

There is another guy at that has all the schematics and parts lists on his site that you can download. In addition there is and that all seem to be in kahootz with each other. Most of these boards are also sold assembled. It would be a fun trip to that store thats shown on the web sites..... They have lots of high end parts displayed like meat in a supermarket is displayed over here.....


PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 10:50 pm
by Guest
Regarding the www.diyclub link its supposed to be this..... Sorry for the mix up.


DIYClub preamps

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 1:53 pm
by EWBrown
Their preamp bareboards and pre-assembled boards are here:

The site is somewhat slow to download, so be patient... :sleeping:

/ed B in NH :infinity:

PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:58 am
by Shannon Parks
Mark wrote:There is another guy at that has all the schematics and parts lists on his site that you can download.

Thanks for this, Mark!
