How big is too big

the thermionic watercooler

How big is too big

Postby battradio » Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:02 am

I getting ready to build an amp and will be using all UTC LS iron if i build it stereo , if i build it as two mono amps will use a mix of UTC LS and Potted H series iron . I could also build stereo with the power supply on a separate chassis but the umbilical between the amp and power supply bugs the hell out of me .

Will be using a pair of UTC LS-39's as input transfomers and phase splitters , UTC LS-60A as output transfomer . Have a custom made UTC lS power transfomer in a LS -4 case and a LS- 94 choke and will need a 24" X 18" chassis to fit it all on .


Will be Using two 6J5GT's and two 300B's per channel . Was going to use the LS-58's as output transformer , until i acquired the LS-60 A's which will put the 300bs in a more linear portion of their curves .

Anyone want a pair of UTC LS-58s O:) reasonably .

If i go to two mono amps will use two UTC H-84 power transfomers and matching chokes .
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Re: How big is too big

Postby DeathRex » Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:58 pm

When you can't pick it up.

24 X 18 is big. My big one is 24 X 13. Any bigger and it would only fit on the kitchen table. Have a hard time passing the taters over it.
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Re: How big is too big

Postby soundbrigade » Wed May 25, 2016 10:23 am

My Past Audio M3 are big. Approx 25x8x7, weighing 17kg/each. Monoblocks.

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Re: How big is too big

Postby battradio » Wed May 25, 2016 4:08 pm

Well i got the top plate in , now i have to clean a larger space on the to of the work ben to work on i usually only keep 18" of clean space to work on :$
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Re: How big is too big

Postby HK » Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:15 am

This behemoth weighs 84 pounds, measures 12 1/8" by 20" ... choke loaded, triode wired... 389 volts on the plate bias @ 30- volts via cathode resistor of 200 ohms. The choke is 5 henrys with a DCR of 19. This ~!@#$%^& is too big.Tango output transformers, and a bizarre power supply concocted through idiosyncratic thinking.
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Re: How big is too big

Postby HK » Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:27 am

Here is another shot
another shot
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